Arashi Karate opens for you the world of spiritual and physical perfection through the study of "Hokuto - ki" (the art of full contact sport fighting). Many Japanese masters have long sought to create a combative sport, competition rules which will be as close as possible to the real battle in life. By creating such schools, their founders have always faced a similar challenge-protective equipment an athlete must meet the safety requirements for such events. One of the pioneers of such a system was in the 30 years of the twentieth-century Savayama Katsu, Nihon Kempo master who devised a protective gear for full contact fights "bogu", which includes a face mask, a bib with a "skirt", sink and boxing gloves. Such uniforms allowed to strike in full force to conduct free throws and locks into the rack, as well as fight in the pit. That matches in full contact using "bogu" became the hallmark of Nihon Kempo. In 1934, in the main dojo of the Association of Coca-kai held the first official championship. Tournaments are held on these rules and to this day.
In 1954, Japan's Self-Defense Forces were created, which is responsible for protecting the country from external aggression. Their leadership believes that the Army needs a special system of unarmed combat. Thus was developed redundant system Tosya Kakuta. Major role in its creation played Captain Hiroshi Chiba (born in 1927), who spoke at a high level in judo and sumo. Chiba effort to select the best corresponding to the aims and objectives of the Army-hand combat of the many Japanese systems bu-jutsu and budo. Getting Chiba worked to develop this system alone, but after a while his work connected two of the expert: a master of judo and Aikido Tomiki Kenji and a prominent specialist Nihon Kempo Renosuke Mori, who had a rich learning experience fighting the police force operational. Basis for Tosya Kakuta was taken just Nihon Kempo system, characterized by severe bouts in full contact with protective gear and the widest array of techniques - punches, kicks, throws and submission techniques. The level of military training is constantly checked in various competitions. The main event is the championship of the SDF.
Advanced technologies in the field of protective equipment, the modern approach to the methodology of teaching in the arts, which are often influenced by ongoing in the world, the so-called "ultimate fighting", allowed to date, a more modern, to keep pace with the times, the system of competitive full contact bout. These are the tournaments Arashi Karate-Storm on the mat, where fights are held in a protective mask with a plastic visor, made in Japan, with a resolution of punches, kicks, knees, elbows and head to any part of the body. This helmet allows strikes to the head without boxing gloves. At the hands of athletes Arashi Karate fights only to put felt pads, not to beat his hands on the plastic visor helmet. These pads more realistically simulate the normal fist in life than boxing gloves, but as the most important - the fact that such equipment on hand allows you to capture opponent's clothes c to strike, holding shots, pain, and strangling techniques, and thus makes fights in Arashi Karate , closer to reality. That is the real rules of the competition, with a resolution of all strikes, throws, locks and strangling techniques are a major feature of Arashi Karate from other martial arts. Naturally, the competition rules of the school affect her technical arsenal, as athletes in training need to turn out only those techniques and strokes that will help them win the tournament. Therefore, in the competitive arsenal Arashi Karate entered and harmoniously fused together technology boxing Muaythai (Thai boxing), Kyokushin Karate, Ashihara Karate, wrestling, judo and sambo. But this is not all that makes Arashi Karate every year more popular among fans of martial arts. The secret of success of this school is that it does not set itself the ultimate goal in training, but only winning the tournament. At the end of competitive technology is just the first step in learning to program, school Arashi Karate, and he's far not easy and requires several years of dedicated training.
While continuation to improve theirs high sport level, at the same time students of the school Arashi Karate fall into the no less interesting world "battle section", which already requires them to less physical and more intellectual effort and abilities as well as methods of "combat section" are based on knowledge and experience of the ancient samurai schools like jiu-jitsu, aikido and aykidzhitsu where athletes learn to have to respond to aggression is not aggression, but a samurai serenity and confidence in their superiority over the enemy. But the problem is that how you would selflessly day and night are not trained, you do not have enough lifetime to master all the martial arts alone: wrestling, boxing, karate, aikido, jujitsu, etc. The uniqueness of Arashi Karate is precisely in the fact that this school has gathered and united in itself is not just some tricks of all these arts and their principles, and thus the essence, the foundations of these ancient schools. Having built up the correct method of literacy on a landmark study, the rational performance appraisal program, Arashi Karate allows any athlete who trains dedication to become a master, who is fluent as a shock, and throwing techniques, as well as techniques against armed opponents. By combining the ancient traditions of the samurai and modern methods of combat, Arashi Karate can be considered a "school of modern samurai!"
Indicator of school, of course, are her pupils. Arashi Karate is always proud of its students, who for many years, winning for theirs school each time new sports trophies at the prestigious tournaments on other types of contact martial arts! Arashi Karate is one of the most versatile, practical and prospectively the strongest of modern martial arts schools - martial arts of the XXI century!
In 1954, Japan's Self-Defense Forces were created, which is responsible for protecting the country from external aggression. Their leadership believes that the Army needs a special system of unarmed combat. Thus was developed redundant system Tosya Kakuta. Major role in its creation played Captain Hiroshi Chiba (born in 1927), who spoke at a high level in judo and sumo. Chiba effort to select the best corresponding to the aims and objectives of the Army-hand combat of the many Japanese systems bu-jutsu and budo. Getting Chiba worked to develop this system alone, but after a while his work connected two of the expert: a master of judo and Aikido Tomiki Kenji and a prominent specialist Nihon Kempo Renosuke Mori, who had a rich learning experience fighting the police force operational. Basis for Tosya Kakuta was taken just Nihon Kempo system, characterized by severe bouts in full contact with protective gear and the widest array of techniques - punches, kicks, throws and submission techniques. The level of military training is constantly checked in various competitions. The main event is the championship of the SDF.
Advanced technologies in the field of protective equipment, the modern approach to the methodology of teaching in the arts, which are often influenced by ongoing in the world, the so-called "ultimate fighting", allowed to date, a more modern, to keep pace with the times, the system of competitive full contact bout. These are the tournaments Arashi Karate-Storm on the mat, where fights are held in a protective mask with a plastic visor, made in Japan, with a resolution of punches, kicks, knees, elbows and head to any part of the body. This helmet allows strikes to the head without boxing gloves. At the hands of athletes Arashi Karate fights only to put felt pads, not to beat his hands on the plastic visor helmet. These pads more realistically simulate the normal fist in life than boxing gloves, but as the most important - the fact that such equipment on hand allows you to capture opponent's clothes c to strike, holding shots, pain, and strangling techniques, and thus makes fights in Arashi Karate , closer to reality. That is the real rules of the competition, with a resolution of all strikes, throws, locks and strangling techniques are a major feature of Arashi Karate from other martial arts. Naturally, the competition rules of the school affect her technical arsenal, as athletes in training need to turn out only those techniques and strokes that will help them win the tournament. Therefore, in the competitive arsenal Arashi Karate entered and harmoniously fused together technology boxing Muaythai (Thai boxing), Kyokushin Karate, Ashihara Karate, wrestling, judo and sambo. But this is not all that makes Arashi Karate every year more popular among fans of martial arts. The secret of success of this school is that it does not set itself the ultimate goal in training, but only winning the tournament. At the end of competitive technology is just the first step in learning to program, school Arashi Karate, and he's far not easy and requires several years of dedicated training.
While continuation to improve theirs high sport level, at the same time students of the school Arashi Karate fall into the no less interesting world "battle section", which already requires them to less physical and more intellectual effort and abilities as well as methods of "combat section" are based on knowledge and experience of the ancient samurai schools like jiu-jitsu, aikido and aykidzhitsu where athletes learn to have to respond to aggression is not aggression, but a samurai serenity and confidence in their superiority over the enemy. But the problem is that how you would selflessly day and night are not trained, you do not have enough lifetime to master all the martial arts alone: wrestling, boxing, karate, aikido, jujitsu, etc. The uniqueness of Arashi Karate is precisely in the fact that this school has gathered and united in itself is not just some tricks of all these arts and their principles, and thus the essence, the foundations of these ancient schools. Having built up the correct method of literacy on a landmark study, the rational performance appraisal program, Arashi Karate allows any athlete who trains dedication to become a master, who is fluent as a shock, and throwing techniques, as well as techniques against armed opponents. By combining the ancient traditions of the samurai and modern methods of combat, Arashi Karate can be considered a "school of modern samurai!"
Indicator of school, of course, are her pupils. Arashi Karate is always proud of its students, who for many years, winning for theirs school each time new sports trophies at the prestigious tournaments on other types of contact martial arts! Arashi Karate is one of the most versatile, practical and prospectively the strongest of modern martial arts schools - martial arts of the XXI century!